2 min read

Tried last week

Deno Deploy hides under the tagline of:

A Globally Distributed JavaScript VM

I treat it as an extremely fast way to spin up quick lambda like tools / examples. You hook it up directly to the files in you GitHub repository, that get "deployed" instantaneously. As I was following through a video guide to try it out and get a quick intro (video, blog) - there is an amazing BroadcastChannel:

In Deno Deploy, the BroadcastChannel API provides a communication mechanism between the various instances; a simple message bus that connects the various Deploy instances world wide.

Which is pretty amazing, abstracting the usually hard stuff away. " apps with global context sharing and no databases? Count me it.

A little reminder of how everything works under the hood doesn't hurt either! Go give it a try, you will be blown away by both the possibilities & how quickly you can get up and going.

In the code along we've used https://deno.land/x/[email protected] and https://github.com/lucacasonato/fresh - and I must say I am surprised with the speed the tooling around Deno is being developed. This may still be a little immature for a scalable production, but I guess the rules of innovation tokens may be a little twisted in its' case as it's building on top of the whole ts ecosystem.

k6s a load testing tool, mostly choses because it's written partly in Go and has a cool logo. Up till now whenever I needed to test something I always went for autocannon. I might not know something, but it seems to me k6s is way easier to customise and inject custom validators/checks in:

import { check } from 'k6';
import http from 'k6/http';

export default function () {
  let res = http.get('http://test.k6.io/');
  check(res, {
    'is status 200': (r) => r.status === 200,

will result in

Output of running sample k6s script Source: https://k6.io/docs/static/eb458bd69179dbf242792ba1a3bd6c86/0a4bc/check-output.png

Add easy to setup thresholds that can protect you from false positives & let you tweak the acceptable SLA conditions and you have a great new tool in your arsenal!