1 min read

Humble beginnings

For now let it just be a beacon of my thoughts to the universe.

It took way longer to set up - because this Gopher is thrifty to the limit. Reminded myself a bunch of stuff in the process though and it was fun!

For more details, this particular rascality runs on GCP, Compute Engine (praise be the free tiers) and uses Storage (and Github) for database backups!

It's a Ghost publication running on a free tier of GCP provided compute engine.

There's a bunch of stuff that I will have to do to make it work properly and other things which shall lead it to what it could be, among others:

  • setting auto-renewal of the SSL certs
  • finalising Listestream setup to replicate my (currently) tiny SQLite database to some sort of a cloud backup
  • writing regularly on the TiLs and finding that accompany my journey
  • building a custom frontend and move to using Ghost as a headless solution
  • documenting the journey
  • hopefully connecting with a bunch of You in the process

I am getting dangerously good at starting blogs now. Reminds me of the countless smokers whom we attribute the:

Quitting is easy, I've done it a thousand times.

Do keep your fingers crossed for this not to be the thousand and one...